Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Summer Dance Schedule

Summer classes will be offered in July and August on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings. I hope that many of you plan on attending! Class attendance is flexible. Saturday students may choose to take classes on Thursdays for the summers and vice versa.

The summer dates are as follows:
Thursdays (July) 12th, 19th, and 26th @ 4pm. Class is for all ages and all levels.

Saturdays (July) 14th & 21st @ 9:30. Class is for all ages and all levels.
& @ 11:00- hardshoe class open to anyone with my approval.

Thursdays (Aug) 16th & 23rd (same times)
Saturdays (Aug) 18th & 25th (same times)

Enjoy the weather…. and of course dancing!!

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