Thursday, January 18, 2007

IRISH DANCE COSTUMES ordering information

Dance costumes orders for the upcoming St. Patrick's Day season is to be completed this Saturday. Without your payment I can not place the order.
Please be prepared this Saturday.

The costume requirements are as follows:

black tights ($9)
tiara ($4)
dance/dress ($40)

The four older girls (Katie W. Katie D. Amanda Y, and Molly B.) costume includes:

black tights ($11)
tiara ($4)
black leotard ($40)
costume skirts are being made- est. cost around $35-50 payment not due until February.

Remember these costumes will do us all year and next until we out grow them!! So please keep them nice!

Again THIS SATURDAY!! Costume orders are due to complete the order. Any questions or concerns please contact me.
Also I have not recieved January payments from 2 dancers-please have it this Saturday. Thank You.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Winter Dates!


12 Week Program

January Dates- 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
February Dates- 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
March Dates- 3rd, 10th, 24th, 31st

Class Times
Beginner Group 1- 9:30- 10:45
Beginner Group 2- 10:45- 12:00
Adv. Beginner/Older Dancers- 12:00

Holiday Party 2006!